Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday April 30, 2012

Hello All,
We are in Nebraska and had a very uneventful trip here...  No GPS as that stopped working yesterday, but we used the Atlas (that still worked!) Kicking it old school with maps!
Ok, how do you know you are not in California anymore? The billboards read as follows: "We buy Antlers!" at we buy Is it just me or is that weird? I just don't have that hunter mentality I guess. Along the highway there are these vista points that you can pull off and look at the scenery, now that sounds nice right? Except that there is nothing to see but flat land.... Again, is it me? We actually pulled off to see if maybe there was something to see from there that we couldn't see from the road... Nope.... Just flat land for as far as you can see... I guess they make there own fun here...  :)
Gar got the GPS working with an assist from Garmin IT so all is well, I had a margarita with dinner so all is well with me too.  :)
On to Lincoln tomorrow morning to have breakfast with our friends John and Martha Lee, we stayed with them on our last trip and had a fantastic time in Lincoln in 2009. It will be great to see them again!
Then we are off to Davenport Iowa. Our rear ends can only sit for 400 miles so that is the goal every day.
That's all until tomorrow...
See ya on the road,
Ter  :)

'From the driver's seat'..... Finally, a great driving day.... nice roads, everyone was happy under the hood but the GPS crapped out! As Rosanne Rosannadanna said, "It just goes to show's always something." I spent a half hour waiting on hold but the guy walked me through the process of updating and we were pickin' up satellites again!!!

Looking forward to seeing the Lee's in Lincoln again...everybody wants us to stay a few days (and we're very flattered by that) but we have to remain focused on getting to the east coast. Two more 'four hunnert milers' and we'll be in Detroit for a couple days of R & R and reconnecting with friends.

Is there anything left to fail?.....I didn't say that, did I?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday April 30,2012

Hello From Wyoming!
We had another beautiful day of driving today it was sunny but cold (we had to disconnect the air conditioning and hook up the heater it was so chilly!)but a good trip just the same. We pulled into a Starbucks here in Cheyenne to "use" their wifi to book a room and when we tried to start the car it wouldn't start! "Oh dear!" as my my nephew Dominic would say...   :)  But I am with the "car whisperer" so I wasn't too worried. Of course he got it working and we are at the hotel now, me watching a movie, "Knight & Day" and "the whisperer" on his way to Home Depot to get whatever it is he needs to fix the problem for good... I'm sure he will tell all the details in his portion of the blog... I just know it will start tomorrow and take me to Maine..   It's nice here in my world! Ha!
On to Nebraska tomorrow about 450 miles away....
See ya on the road,
Ter  :)

 OY! A beautiful drive ended with a broken wire SOMEWHERE ..... its not an important one, it only runs EVERTHING!!!! I was able to bypass it temporarily til we get to Michigan and I can look at it more closely.

Tomorrow we're heading for Grand Island, Nebraska ..... the scenery will be seriously lacking what we saw today...huge rocks protruding from eroded mountains, gorgeous formations seen only in the Rockies. The road wound through miles and miles of layered rock of every color, type and direction. Tuesday we hope to have lunch with some woodie friends in Lincoln before a couple days rest in Motown.

What malady will I be writing about tomorrow????

Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 29, 2012 Saturday

Hello All!
Well my little nephew and future Godson(thank you Laura and Alex for asking us to be the Godparents of "Baby Gio") Sergio Joseph Fontana was born on April 24th. He weighed 7lbs 14 oz and was 21 inches long. He is super adorable and Mother, Father and baby are doing well.
So that means we could leave for our trip, so Friday morning we (ok, me) tearfully said goodbye to Ian and PeeWee and headed to SF to say a quick goodbye to Mikey and then on to see Laura and "Gio" in Redwood City and then head to Reno. We were heading up 101 on the way to Reno and I looked at Gary and said we (ok me!) forgot the laptop! So a few quick calls to Ian to see if he could meet us somewhere which didn't work out so we headed back home... Picked up the computer, another goodbye hug to Ian and PeeWee and we were off to Reno...   Again. :) What the heck we are retired so it was all good...  Made it to Reno, but the Reno jazz festival was going on and every hotel was booked so we found a very "old school" casino/hotel in Sparks...Not my idea of a great place (Brad you wouldn't have gotten out of the car!) and way out of my price range for the look of it, but the room was very nice, clean and quiet...I love to gamble but that place was not for me, sooooo smokey and full of deperate looking, tank top wearing, beer swilling locals, so we headed back to Reno to eat dinner and do a little gambling at the Silver Legacy... I of course played the Wheel of Fortune slot machine (woot woot Sista! Our favorite!) and I won $50.00! Cashed it out and took it home!
This morning we found a Starbuck's and got the first on many coffee's for this trip. Thanks Laurie for the Starbuck's card it will be put to good use! Made it to Salt Lake City after an uneventfully loooonnnggg trip. Over 500 miles today and that is long. Walked to dinner and back so we felt like we got a bit of exercise tonight to make up for all that sitting!
Off to Wyoming tomorrow hope the weather holds out it has been beautiful!
See ya on the road!
Ter  :)

"From the Driver's Seat".....I spent the last several weeks preparing our woodie for its longest adventure yet.... From Santa Rosa, California to Bangor, Maine to Savannah, Georgia and then point it home through Altanta, Nashville, Memphis, St Louis and along Rt.66 to Santa Monica and finishing at Woodies on the Wharf, the last leg least that's the plan. To say I'm nervous about this loooong trip would be putting it mildly but the car has already been cross country once before.

There was a lot to do......I finished the air conditioning ducts, restored the gauges and took care of a myriad of little details needing attention. I switched over to electric cooling fans but wasn't sure they'd do the job and about a week before we left it got warm enough to run the AC....the car overheated. I flushed the radiator and put in a cooler thermostat and new antifreeze and the problem seemed resolved. I had barely cleaned up the mess from that when the transmission started acting up. I spent a day and a half trying to cypher out the problem and sweating the possibility of a new trans just a couple days before we leave. I narrowed it down to the transmission's vacuum modulator and after replacing it and finding an error in the vacuum line I was relieved to see its operation normal once again. I no sooner fixed that when the electric choke on the carb stopped working. I was able to find a new one.... Was the car saying it didn't want to go or was it telling me everything it needed before going? I'm counting on the latter!

We're almost a thousand miles into the voyage and we only had on little hickup....after going through Sacramento the car was starting to overheat again.... A quick fill and the problem was fixed. For the remainder we've been running between 70 and 75 mph, just humming along.

Looking forward to several more high mileage days, pushing hard to get to the east coast as quickly as possible.....and cruising slowly along the shore.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

Hello All,
My beautiful niece had her amazing son "Sergio Joseph Fontana" (7lbs 14oz, 21 in. long) yesterday so we are off to the east coast in a few days. I will try to write nightly once we get on the road. First stop,after seeing "Baby Gio" one more time, is Reno NV. We will stay there a couple of nights (Thanks Living Social Deal!) and then on to Salt Lake City I believe....The first 5 days will be mostly travel as we want to get to Bangor as soon as possible to get this party started!
Check in for pics and quips, I'll try to be entertaining and Gary will be the technical part of our journey along with his hurmorous telling's of what each day brings...
Sorry if this appears in the comments as well, like I said I'm challenged in the way of blogging but I keep trying till I get it right!  :)
See ya on the road,
Ter :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4th 2012

I have just gotten the blog up and running (no small feat for a novice blogger and very computer challenged girl like me) and that means the "Roadtrip Part 2" is getting underway soon....

We will be leaving as soon as my beautiful niece has her baby girl (yes,her Uncle and I think it is a girl!). I'm so happy for her and her family as that is one of life's greatest surprises to not find out what you are having until it pops out! Laura, your life will be changed forever! For the good of course, nothing like having a child! Especially when you already have two very wonderful kids who are growing too fast! Joe & Sissy, stop growing up, you make your Auntie feel sooooo old!
We will be driving to Bangor Maine as soon as the little one makes her first appearence. From there we will go down the east coast sticking pretty close to the shore, with many stops along the way. Looking forward to seeing family and friends in the New York area and visiting NYC for the first time...
We will be meeting other woodies (hopefully) in St. Louis around the 9th or 10th of June and traveling the Mother Road (Route 66) to Santa Cruz for Woodies on the Wharf on June 23rd.
So keep checking in to see if Gar and I are still married as this trip progresses! :)
8-10 weeks in a car with me might just be too much for the poor man! :)
See ya on the road,
Ter :)