Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday April 30, 2012

Hello All,
We are in Nebraska and had a very uneventful trip here...  No GPS as that stopped working yesterday, but we used the Atlas (that still worked!) Kicking it old school with maps!
Ok, how do you know you are not in California anymore? The billboards read as follows: "We buy Antlers!" at we buy Is it just me or is that weird? I just don't have that hunter mentality I guess. Along the highway there are these vista points that you can pull off and look at the scenery, now that sounds nice right? Except that there is nothing to see but flat land.... Again, is it me? We actually pulled off to see if maybe there was something to see from there that we couldn't see from the road... Nope.... Just flat land for as far as you can see... I guess they make there own fun here...  :)
Gar got the GPS working with an assist from Garmin IT so all is well, I had a margarita with dinner so all is well with me too.  :)
On to Lincoln tomorrow morning to have breakfast with our friends John and Martha Lee, we stayed with them on our last trip and had a fantastic time in Lincoln in 2009. It will be great to see them again!
Then we are off to Davenport Iowa. Our rear ends can only sit for 400 miles so that is the goal every day.
That's all until tomorrow...
See ya on the road,
Ter  :)

'From the driver's seat'..... Finally, a great driving day.... nice roads, everyone was happy under the hood but the GPS crapped out! As Rosanne Rosannadanna said, "It just goes to show's always something." I spent a half hour waiting on hold but the guy walked me through the process of updating and we were pickin' up satellites again!!!

Looking forward to seeing the Lee's in Lincoln again...everybody wants us to stay a few days (and we're very flattered by that) but we have to remain focused on getting to the east coast. Two more 'four hunnert milers' and we'll be in Detroit for a couple days of R & R and reconnecting with friends.

Is there anything left to fail?.....I didn't say that, did I?

1 comment:

  1. Hey you sounds like you are having a great time...Terry write more about the food you are eating..I know, I know..I cant help it.
    maybe they have some interesting vittles back there. Stay Safe and have fun
    Miss YA

