Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello All,

Today was a day of driving.... We left Branson behind and are now in St. Louis.

My wonderful husband tried so hard to find me a Starbuck's this morning that he ended up driving about 10 miles off the freeway! Did you know that if you put Starbuck's in your GPS it will take you to where a Starbuck's used to be, to a Starbuck's in a hospital, in a mall, in a Target store... It's always a crap shoot as to where you might find that Starbuck's... :)

We ate at an incredible place today for lunch, it was called Missouri Hick Bar B Que... Ummm....Yeah, it was good. Gar and I shared a baked potato that had baked beans, pulled pork with barb q sauce, cheese, chives and bacon..Oh and sour cream on the side! It was as big as my size 8 shoe! I'm not kidding, it was
H U G E!!!! We ate as much as we could, but really it was enough for 4 people! Sooo good!

We got to St. Louis and found our hotel, then Gary said we should find a Costco and get a few things, also he wanted to find a book about Route 66 with a map, so we could figure out where we were going to go. So out we went and did our chores, but on the way back, we had to stop at that horrific place Gary loves "White Castle"! I just couldn't say no to that after this mornings Starbuck's hunt! He loves them and I just don't get it, they are smelly, gross tiny little burgers! EEEEEEEEE!!! But the good wife that I am (Oh he tells me I am so I must be?) I go along to see his joy at eating those little hockey pucks! You can see from the photo how truly excited he is! I was happy to see him enjoy his childhood treat!

Tomorrow we meet another Woody at the Arch at 9am, we are heading home!

See ya on the Road!
Ter :)

"From the driver's seat...." Six weeks into this adventure, the road is taking it's toll. I find myself growing weary of the next motel room, no matter how nice, the next meal, even if it is White Castle(!) would be nice to go home for a week to recharge. Tomorrow starts a new phase, the 'two lanes' favorite. We have maps of Rt. 66 and will be following it, only leaving to see the Grand Canyon and Vegas.

I enjoyed Branson but I saw a side of this country I hadn't experienced before. I always thought I could live anywhere but I couldn't live there. Way too conservative, too judgemental....they all drank the koolaid and believe whatever they're fed.... any independent thinking person stands out like a beacon.... glad to be heading back west although I suspect the politics aren't going to change until we go much farther west......

The car is really showing itself as a real drives effortlessly, start every time (now!) and just rolls down the road as it should. Thank you hot rod gods!

Today was a nice drive from Branson to St. Louis to begin the 'official' portion of the tour. Terry kindly agreed to 'dinner' at White Castle...I had a couple burgers, Terry had a tiny chicken sandwich, but I'd been waiting for 8200 miles for that meal. Surprisingly, the frozen microwave versions I buy at home taste pretty close to the originals! I'm good for a while now....

Good bye Branson!

Ohhhhh  White Castle!!!!!


  1. Oh, Gar looks so happy with his White Castle burgers!

  2. can u bring me a white castle burger!! lol

  3. I'm with you, Terry! I never did get the White Castle thing at all. Jay would get all excited about those gross little things. We ate -- correction -- he ate at a oh so tacky White Castle in New York when we were there a few years ago. Not surprising to me was that we were the only two people in the er, can I say it, restaurant. He was in heaven; me, not so much. What amazes me is that they are still in business. Beside Gary and Jay, who eats this stuff?
