Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday June 4, 2012

Hello All,

Today started off really nice with a trip to downtown Memphis again so Gar could sign some maps his work sent him at a Fedex downtown... Of course it was raining...It poured last night, it was so loud that it woke me up...By the time we got downtown, the rain had stopped and I stayed in the car while Gar went in to work...I called my co-worker to see how my work was doing (yes, I retired, but I still care about my friends and co-workers at the Sheriff's Office!) and if they have gotten their new person yet...... Not yet so those two ladies are working so hard to pay over 600 people every two weeks.. Sorry girls, I wish I was there to help...Ok, not really, but I am sorry they have to work so hard!

After Gar came back, we headed into the Peabody Hotel to see the ducks come down the elevator and get in the fountain in the middle of the hotel...What? Weird huh? It's been a tradition since forever, and there were alot of people besides us there to see 4 little ducks waddle out of an elevator and jump in a fountain and swim around all day. Like I said, weird, but cool too....

Then we went to Sun Records, so cool I can't really describe it..I had the feeling of all of those famous guys making records in there... Truly hallowed ground. Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, and many blues pioneers with names you wouldn't know, but were insturmental in making music what it is today... The studio is just three little rooms.... One tiny room for an office,(the size of a large bathroom) a bigger room (like the size of your living room!) that was the actual studio, with acoustical tiles on the ceiling, and a tiny room for the engineer with a window into the studio room. That's it! Three little rooms that launched so many big careers.

Then we went to Neely's Bar B Que for lunch, the Neely's have a couple of shows on the Food Network, and their food was fantastic, just check out the pics! Don't need to say anymore except Deeeeelishious!!!

After lunch we were off to Little Rock... Ok the trip was soooo S C A R Y!! If I could have gotten under the seat I would have! It was storming like mad with lightning, and pouring down rain! The lightning was so close to us! I was completly freaked out, but kept my mouth shut and just closed my eyes and thought of England! HA! :) Of course the car whisperer was driving with one hand, eating cashews and exclaiming how cool it was! I was not amused!

We made it to Little Rock, I wished I had a drink and of course now it is sunny!

Tomorrow on to Branson, and hopefully better weather!

See ya in the Road!
Ter :)
"From the driver's seat"......Rain again, last night and today as we approached Little Rock, with very impressive thunder and lightning! I loved it, Terry hated it.... when we got to the hotel the lady at the counter said I could leave it under the roof at the entrance! Yay! How nice of'll be dry all night.

This morning we loaded up and headed for Fedex so I could sign some maps for work and send them's right in the Peabody Hotel, THE place to stay for anybody who's anybody....we're not anybody.

 After doing my work we went in to watch the arrival of the ducks.....yes, ducks. they live up on the top of the hotel and every morning they get loaded up in the elevator and walk a red carpet to the fountain in the lobby where they spend their day, then in the evening they get back in the elevator and head for the roof....there must've been a hundred people there to watch four ducks make a dash out of the elevator, running for the they'd never seen ducks before. Yes, we were there too.... =-) I got a picture of brown blurs on a red carpet!

Then we walked down to the Gibson factory but the tours would be too late so we skipped it to visit Sun Records, the little record label that brought us Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and many others. Much of the studio is still original,,,If you ever get there it's a must see.

For lunch we had BBQ at Neeleys BBQ.....YUM!!!!! We're going to have leftovers for dinner....YUMMMM again!!!

Tomorrow, we head for Branson......

Those blurs are the ducks!
Singing a little tune at Sun Records!
Ribs, need we say more??


  1. OK, the duck story is hilarious! Sounds like they have a pretty sweet life for a duck!

  2. you are killing me with all the food pictures!!! I'm sitting here drooling! ohh wait no thats serg..well maybe i am too!! miss you guys tons!!!
