Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday May 5, 2012

Hello All,
Today we left Michigan after a nice breakfast with Tom & Sherry and Mike Wilkinson. Great to see them again! We headed to Cleveland to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was so cool, my only complaint would be that you couldn't take any pictures there. They wanted you to check your phone and camera! What? Let's just say I didn't read that until I was half way through the place.  :)
We spent about 3 hours there and about one of those hours was in the gift shop! HA! Gary just let me be and I looked at everything and only spent about 1/3 of my first retirement check! Not really, but I'm only gonna go there once so I had to get a few necessities....  :)
Tomorrow we are on to Dunkirk to visit Gary's (and mine too!)Aunt Ginney and for lunch. Ok, my mother in law is awesome and I love her so much, and she can run circles around me in eveyway, her sister is the same! We said we would stop by after lunch and she just wouldn't give up on Gary until he said we would love to have lunch with them. The point is to not make your elder's work when you come for a visit, but in Gary's family that is an impossibility! She wanted us to leave our hotel and go stay with them tonight (148 miles away!). I love how they want to see us but it is so much work for them! After "Lunch" with them we are on to Orchard Park to visit Gary's (and mine!) Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Fuzzy for dinner. Then the next day on to Niagra Falls! No, not going over it in a barrel, just going to look at it.  :) Maybe take a boat ride in the Maid of the Mist or walk out on the decking..  Pictures will follow of that natural wonder so stay tuned.
Having a great time. Still love Gary and I think he stills loves me so I guess we will keep on traveling! Couple of pic from today....
See ya on the road,
Ter :)
"From the Driver's Seat"....I didn't write anything here yesterday because after typing the connection went bad and it all disappeared..... I was in no mood to do it again.....Terry and I walked all over Greenfield Village yesterday enjoying the buildings and craftspeople of yesteryear. My favorite was the actual Wright Brothers' workshop. I have been to the Smithsonian to see the actual first flyer and to Kitty Hawk to
stand where the world changed so being in their shop completed the experience. It's amazing what they accomplished in the back of a very small work space....they changed the world!

While driving home from Greenfield Village we smelled the aroma of burning plastic. I convinced Terry and almost convinced myself that it was coming from a car in front of us. It went away  but then returned as we headed for dinner. All of the accessories stopped working but the car continued running so we bolted for the motel before it got dark or the car stopped.

In Cheyenne we had a problem with a break in the power wire to the ignition switch but I was able to use a jumper wire to keep things running. Once I dug into the wiring under the dash last night I located a multi-wire plug that had wires pulling out and the undenyable look and smell of a bad/hot connection. A half hour later I had four loose wires removed from the plug and reconnected, fixing both the initial problem and the subsequent issues related to that plug. I say this wasn't a new problem, just an extension of the first. Today, the car ran great.... One day in a row!

This morning we met with some friends for breakfast before heading out for Cleveland. Once again it was fun to yack and laugh but we had to get going. The trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was uneventful (thankfully!) and we spent a few hours reliving some more of our pasts through music. I highly recommend a vist if you're anywhere near it.

This evening we're just relaxing before heading out to visit my family in western New York. It's gonna be fun!


  1. Awesome Pictures, glad you got the car running good!! well of to the Race. can't wait to see how the VTA runs with the 25.5

    have a great day,


  2. Love the picture of Big Boy! Memories....
