Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday May 22, 2012

Hello All,

A somewhat relaxing day today...

Gary explained it all below so I will just add that Savannah was an amazing city, hot, humid and full of history. Enjoyed the food and the shopping here as well.

We really enjoyed it here and are looking forward to Atlanta tomorrow.

See ya on the Road,
Ter :)
'From the driver's seat'....Not a lot of driving today...went to town for a tour of the Savannah Museum and a railroad museum on the same grounds. The Savannah museum is in the old train station while the railroad museum is in the roundhouse and associated work buildings. It's being brough back to life by many volunteers and dedicated staff. Both were very interesting and well presented. They also had a lot of information on the Revolutionary War, with a key battlefield being located in the lawn area immediately adjacent to the museum. There were battles all over the city with archeologists finding musket balls and other material in the strangest of places.

After that we visited the First African Baptist Church...literally, the FIRST!....built by slaves in 1778. although the building on the site is the fifth, it's been there since the 1830's, built entirely by slaves with their own money and after-hours labor. Slavery in Georgia was diferent than other states with slaves having time to themselves and working six days a week...I am not saying it was okay, they just had more time than others. The church served as a stop over along the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape to the north. In the basement, the floors have drill holes in religious shapes in the floor which, while providing air to the escaping slaves under the floor, provided enough reason for their existence to not cause slave hunters to go any further. There was a tunnel they could traverse all the way to the Savannah River after they had rested a couple days....it was an uncomfortable story to listen to but it was encouraging to listen to the clever ways oppressed people found ways to get around that oppression.

After that, we wandered around the City Market and shared a Cuban chicken sandwich at a cafe. We then re-visited a craft shop a couple blocks away so Terry could pick up a couple more gifts for friends before leaving. Heading east, we travelled to Tybee Island, a Santa Cruz-like town we drove through before heading back to relax the rest of the afternoon.

A quick thunderstorm and downpour doused the car and cover in moments as it sat in the motel parking lot. While I tried to get things dried out, I noticed a scooter and sidecar in the lot. Closer inspection revealed they had ridden it to Savannah from Washington, the state, not DC!!!!!! Makes our air conditioned trek seem kinda lame! In our defense, we did go to Maine while they drove in a fairly straight line to Georgia....yeah, I know, a pretty weak defense!

Tomorrow, we start heading west toward home. First Atlanta, then Charlotte, Nashville and points in between. Looking forward to these next legs.....

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